Wag Instructors

All WAG Instructors must successfully complete an internal certification process including a hands-on apprenticeship before they are approved to teach each level.         Instructors train a wide variety of breeds and compete in many different organizations.

InstructorLevels Approved to InstructPrivate Lessons?
Bob SchumannAgility 1,2 and CTDI DMWYD Yes
Donna CordobaAgility 2,3,4Yes
Gayle PlutaAgility 1,2,3,4No
Kelly SchumannAll level AKC Tricks, AKC STAR Puppy, CGC, CGCA,
Fit Dog Level 1, ATT Evaluator & DMWYD All level Tricks (CTDI) , Canine Conditioning, Stunt Dog and Animal Actor.
Loret BartolAgility 2,3,4Yes
Mary VanderBloomenAgility 1,2,3,4Yes
Mary Ann PecenAgility2,3,4 and AKC STAR PuppyNo
Pat CaseyAgility 2 & 3 and Beginner/Novice ObedienceNo
Patti Jo YuswakAgility 1,2,3,4, STAR Puppy, CGC & CGCAYes
Robin TaylorAdvanced Skills, Foundation Puppy Agility, 3, 4No
Rosanne Hatcher-PientokNovice Rally, Advance/Excellent RallyYes
Shelly WeeksAgility 1,2,3,4Yes
Simone Szulc-CieplickiNose WorkNo