Class Placement and Move-Up Requirements

the Move Up from Puppy to Level 1

No pre-approval required, but dogs should be able to work well in a group environment.

Move Up from Level 1 to Level 2**

Completion of Level 1 class. Your instructor will inform you and the class registrar if you should repeat Level 1 instead of moving up.

Move Up from Level 2 to Level 3**

Completion of at least one Level 2 session and earning at least one leg from any agility organization in a class that includes contacts and weaves and requires completion of a numbered course set by the judge. 

Examples of classes that meet this requirement are:

  • AKC Standard
  • USDAA Standard or Grand Prix
  • CPE Standard (Level 2 or higher)
  • UKI International Program Agility class (excluding Nursery level), Power and Speed class
  • Grand Prix class (minimum of one clear round)
  • a combination of UKC AgI and AgII legs.

Classes that do not require the performance of all AKC-style equipment, or classes in which you design your own course, do not meet this requirement. Please talk to the Director of Training about which classes are considered to meet the requirement in any organization not listed.

Move Up from Level 3 to Level 4**

Completion of at least one Level 3 session and dog is currently competing at the AKC Excellent level or equivalent (dog has completed an AKC Open Std or JWW title, USDAA AAD or Advanced Standard or Jumpers title, or UKC AgII title). Please talk to the Agility Director of Training about what constitutes an equivalent level in other organizations not listed. Generally the dog should be competing at the highest level in at least one class that requires completion of a numbered course designed by the judge in order to qualify for Level 4.

Please note:
* Exceptions to any of the above requirements may be made only with approval of your current instructor(s), approval of the instructor(s) whose class you plan to move into and the Director of Training approval.

** IMPORTANT:  When registering for any class to move up to Level 2 or higher, you MUST inform the registrar that you are moving up and which title(s) you’ve earned or previous classes you’ve completed to meet the requirement, or which specific instructor(s) approved an exception to the requirements. Failure to do so may delay your request.

To contact the Agility Director of Training, e-mail PattiJo Yuswak @ and include the words WAG Class within the subject line.