Mary_VanderbloomenMary VanderBloomen


Breeds Handled/Trained: Labrador Retrievers.

Venue & # Titles Earned: (Only highest level of each dog is shown)
AKC: AXJ (2), AXP (1), MXJ (1), MJP (1) NFP (1)
UKC: UGRACH (2), UKC All Stars 2003

Levels Currently Taught: Level 1, Level 3; Sub-Levels 2 & 4.

Private Lesson Instruction: All levels.

Private Lesson Availability: Monday through Friday afternoons and all day on weekends.

Comments: I really enjoy agility and love the team aspect of the sport.  I enjoy teaching classes and privates and want the handler and dog to enjoy themselves.  I’ve trained 4 different labs and each one has been different.  There are many different types dogs in my class and they all keep me on my toes!   There isn’t just one way of doing something – what works for me might not work for someone else and what works for them might not work for me. Always be willing to try something – my favorite phrase with my students is “humor me and try this.”