Advanced Skills & Drills

(1) Dog meets Level 3 requirements (competing and has earned at least one leg in a class that requires completion of a course in the order designed by the judge and that includes all equipment (contacts, weaves).
(2) Dog meets Level 2 requirements (has completed WAG’s Level 1 or equivalent, and dog can sequence and do all equipment but has not earned a leg towards a title yet) AND handler has previously run other dogs that would meet Level 3 requirements.

Class Description:
The focus of the class is on advanced skills (it is assumed handlers have some proficiency in basic skills such as front cross and rear cross). Each week a new skill or skills will be taught and practiced, then incorporated into a sequence. Skills will include: blind cross, Jaako turn, backsides, forced front cross, advanced serpentines (combined with backside, staggered, diagonal), and whiskey turn. Additional skills may also be included as appropriate, such as lateral sends, independent contacts, 270’s, threadles, tunnel breaks, sending to tunnels, off-side tunnel entrances, crosses before and after exiting a tunnel, contact/tunnel discrimination, and collection using a K turn.

Class sessions are one hour for eight weeks with a maximum of 6 dogs.